Monday, December 14, 2009
A Busy November and December
About a week after, we held the blood drive here at the high school. Thank you to all you gave blood to help others in need. We hope you feel just as good about giving as we do about planning and host the drive. Hopefully, we can get even more people to give in the spring!
The next weekend a short bus load of FFA members got a chance to grow as leaders at the F.I.R.E. Conference in Trafalgar, IN, at the Indiana FFA Leadership Center. The state FFA Officers put on fun and engaging conference for the members in the "Jungles" of Trafalgar!! Reike and Geraldine, our foreign exchange students from Germany and Belgium, got to attend and really enjoyed their time at the Leadership Center.
Then, the day before Thanksgiving Break, a full bus load of students went to Purdue to compete in the C.H.E.F. (Crops, Horticulture, Entomology, and Forestry) CDE's. We were pleased to announce many in the top of the rankings were from Tri-County. The top two teams and three out of the top four individuals in the junior Horticulture CDE were Tri-County FFA members. Also, the Tri-County took home top honors in the Entomology CDE and the Crops team placed fifth which awarded both teams a trip to the state competition.
The first weekend in December brought the Remington Christmas parade in which the Tri-County FFA had a float. A number of FFA members braved the cold temperatures and high winds to ride the float again this year. Thanks to all who attended and a special thanks to Sarah Dobson and Erin Klaus for designing the float this year!!
That Tuesday, the FFA chapter also had its annual Christmas party at Katie Demerly's house! Everyone had a lot of fun and a lot of us got some "interesting" presents in the gift exchange!!
Saturday the 12th brought the State Crops and Entomology CDE's. We are happy to announce that both teams finished 5th in state competition!! Way to go teams!! We also had a first for Tri-County FFA. Alisha Bahler, Sarah Bruce, Robin Foutch, and Heather Lehe represented Tri-County for the first time in the State Food Science CDE. They had a lot of fun trying out this new competition and are excited to go at it again next year, now that they are familiar with the format of the CDE.
Well, fruit will be in tomorrow and we will have a lot to do to get it all delivered, so until I write again, Stay safe and warm this holiday season!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
82nd National FFA Convention - Saturday

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Student Perspective - Sarah Bruce
We arrived in Indianapolis on Wednesday to nice weather. That day was a busy one and the first session was held. It was amazing! Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs spoke one of the most inspirational speeches I have heard. It truly was awe-inspiring. Then to top it all off we got great seats at the Toby Keith concert! It was a great day overall to kick off convention. :)
Thursday we had another session that was also inspirational. In the evening we went to Beef and Boards with dinner and a show. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat was the show, and it was great.
Today I got to lend a helping hand with Habitat for Humanity, which was a first time experience. It feels so good to help others. Putting up siding, painting, and just helping out with even the smallest of things can impact a person's life.
I suggest coming to convention next year. There are so many things to do and learn here. FFA is a great organization! I've had a blast! I'm sure tomorrow will be great too.
82nd National FFA Convention - Friday
While those guys were off building houses, Rick, Pat, Robin, and Heather went with Mr. Scherer and Mr. Martin to the Agriscience Fair Awards Luncheon. We are proud to say that both teams finished with a silver rating in National Competition. They did a great job and a Robin and Heather are already making plans for next year's Agriscience Fair!
After the Day of Service participants returned to Victory Field, we all headed back to the hotel and changed so that we can go to Laser Flash in Carmel to eat pizza and play laser tag!! The Columbus FFA Chapter played with us, making the number of laser taggers 29! That made for much more fun!! Tonight was a first for many of the members and everybody had a blast!! Colby, Kyle and Sarah Bruce especially liked to hunt down Mr. Martin and Mr. Scherer once they got the hang of it for their first time! We also learned a new fun game from the Columbus FFA members called Ninja Tag!! We'll have to bring it back to the chapter so everyone can play! Thanks to the Columbus FFA chapter for making it a really fun evening!!!!
Tomorrow we will congratulate the American Degree recipients, eat at Weber Grill, and attend the closing session before heading back up North to Remington and Wolcott. Convention was so great, it's hard to believe it's almost over!! Stay tuned for the last day of the Tri-County FFA National FFA Convention Adventure!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Student Perspective - Heather Lehe
Thursday, October 22, 2009
82nd National FFA Convention - Thursday
Today We got up bright and early, had breakfast at the hotel and left for downtown by 8:30! Most of us went to the career show to get more FREE STUFF! Woo! Rick and Patrick and Robin and Heather headed to Lucas Oil Stadium to present their Agriscience Fair Projects to the judges. Both teams thought the did a pretty good job. We will find out tomorrow how they did at the luncheon. The boys also got a chance to show off their press conference skills in the lobby like the Peyton Manning and Tony Dungy! (Well, almost!)

82nd National FFA Convention - Wednesday
Then we headed to Buca de Beppo's for a new experience for some of us. It was the first time a few of the kids had ever been to an Italian resturant! It was a fun experience seeing all of the interesting pictures on the wall and eating some great food. We all got to test our dining etiquette too! I think the boys started to think the girls were heading to the restroom more than usual because they had to stand up an awful lot when they left and returned to the table.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
September Fun!!
Then, our very own Katie Demerly participated in PLT (Premier Leadership Training) as a member of the District 1 FFA Officer team. Then she, along with her fellow district officers, hosted the District 1 Kick-off at Twin Lakes high school. The Tri-County FFA had 17 members attend and we all had a lot of fun learning about leadership skills and many of the opportunities in the FFA from the State Officers!!
The Tri-County FFA also sold Truck Stampede tickets at the home football games. We will be selling them again this Friday night at Senior night. If you haven't gotten your ticket yet, make sure you come to the game and get one and support the Tri-County and Indiana FFA! You could win a brand new 2009 Chevy Silverado 4x4 pick-up truck!!! For just a $5 donation to the FFA, you could be entered in to win! all of the proceeds go to support the FFA activities at the local and state levels.
In October, the FFA has many things planned including attending SOAR (Seeking Opportunities and Achieving Results), Hosting all of our parents and recognizing our degree recipients at the Degree Banquet, Attending National FFA Convention, attending the Area and hopefully State Soils Evaluation CDE, Attending Middle School FFA Day at the FFA Leadership Center in Trafalgar, hosting an agriculture department bonfire at Mr. Martin's house, and getting out and selling some fruit. Stay tuned as we continue to update the blog with all of the activities of the Tri-County FFA!!!
If you would like to buy fruit to support the Tri-County FFA, you can email Mr. Martin at, and he can get you more information about ordering.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Tri-County FFA in the ciber-age!!

We hope you to check back frequently to see new posts!